Posts page
This is posts page. All of your news or blog posts should be listed on this very page, regardless the category they belong to. Posts page can have its own header image, owh crap, whatta nice, handy feature. WordPress is awesome.
In order to make Posts page “active”, select Settings > Reading from admin dashboard then be sure to tick select A static page radio button option. Use drop-down to navigate to this page.
Before long, I recognized that some of my “remedies” ended up a bit in close proximity… Continue
The same as the title, this dating site is for individuals who would like to have… Continue
Individuals who established, a sort of dating website for depressed guys who would like to make a profile… Continue
For a dating internet site which is being around since 2003 you would think that… Continue
We now have Twitter, we have Twitter, we’ve got MySpace, we’ve got Google+, and then we’ve… Continue
This may possibly convert out to be a problem for you if you have lived devoid… Continue