New Jersey Kennel

We are a family owned business now in our third generation. With more than 45 years of kennel experience and selective breeding, we guarantee that our dogs are not only the best of its kind but rather world's best.
In-house Training
Duis quis tempor purus, at tincidunt ligula. Nam consectetur ultrices imperdiet. Lorem eget est vel massa faucibus mattis.
Health Guarantee
Vestibulum eget et vel massa faucibus mattis. Duis quis tempor purus, at tinci ligula. Nam consa ultrices imperdiet.
Veterinary Care
Duis quis tempor purus, at tincidunt ligula. Vestibulum eget est vel massa faucibus mattis. New Jersey federal state only!

Meet the Champions


Kennel Queen, 2014

Taya was the inspiration and the breeding standard for Life Worth Living Kennels. She is a…   Continue

Spears, Brittany of Isle

Weimaraner, 2009

The Weimaraner dates to the early 19th century, when he was developed at the Weimar court…   Continue

Rakita Diavolo

Japanese Akita, 2010

They are unique dogs, very intelligent – they are body language readers extraordinaire, and can read…   Continue

Rah, the Almighty

Blue Stafford, 2012

Vestibulum nibh ante, tincidunt sed diam ut, ornare semper mi. Nunc vitae vehicula nisi. Morbi aliquam…   Continue


Kennel Queen, 2014

Taya loves her family and meeting new friends. She patrols the backyard, constantly on the lookout…   Continue

Gru, the despicable

French Bulldog, 2011

Aenean auctor placerat felis at ultrices. Maecenas ullamcorper malesuada laoreet. Duis id nisl nec dui lacinia…   Continue

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